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Stop the Palestinian Genocide — Stop the Palestinian Genocide

Independent Voices

Diverse voices speaking out against Zionism and the genocide

United Nations

The United Nations is the primary intergovernmental organisation whose purposes are to maintain international peace and security

Genocide In The Making

”Grave violations committed by Israel against Palestinians in the aftermath of 7 October, particularly in Gaza, point to a genocide in the making”

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights), 16th November 2023, Press Release

Text-book Case Of Genocide

”This is a text-book case of genocide. The European, ethno-nationalist, settler colonial project in Palestine has entered its final phase, toward the expedited destruction of the last remnants of indigenous Palestinian life in Palestine.”

Craig Mokhiber, 28 October 2023, Resignation Letter, Former Director in the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Turning Into An Abyss

”The people of Gaza are looking into the abyss.”

António Guterres, UN Secretary General Dec 8, 2023 Twitter

Hungriest People in the World

”Four out of five of the hungriest people anywhere in the world are in Gaza.”

António Guterres, UN Secretary General Dec 22, 2023 OCHA

Unimaginable Loss, Destruction, and Misery

”Two months of war has caused unimaginable loss, destruction, and misery. Thousands have been killed, millions are displaced. The humanitarian system is collapsing. Everyone in #Gaza is hungry.”

Carl Skau, Chief Operating Officer, World Food Programme, December 6th, 2023 Twitter

Pope Francis

Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza

”The situation in #Gaza is desperate. Please let everything possible be done to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe. The possible widening of the conflict is disturbing. Let the weapons be silenced; let the cry for peace be heard from the poor, from the people, from the children!“

18th October 2024, Twitter

Archbishop of Canterbury

We should not become numb to this injustice

”Israel’s prosecution of this war has destroyed large parts of the Gaza Strip – decimating infrastructure essential to human survival. The scarcity of humanitarian access to and within the Strip continues to prevent aid workers from distributing life-saving supplies. We should not become numb to this injustice.”

21st March 2024, Rev. Justin Welby The Archbishop of Canterbury

Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières, Doctors Without Borders in English, is a charity that provides humanitarian medical care.

Blatant disregard for medical facilities

“Israel has shown a blatant and total disregard for the protection of Gaza’s medical facilities. We are watching as hospitals are turned into morgues and ruins”

MSF President Dr Christos Christou writing to the United Nations Security Council, 4 December 2023, MSF

Amnesty International

Amnesty International is an international non-governmental organisation focused on human rights, with its headquarters in the United Kingdom.

System of Apartheid

”Israel’s continuing oppressive and discriminatory system of governing Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) constituted a system of apartheid, and Israeli officials committed the crime of apartheid under international law.”

Amnesty International, Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories, Annual Report 2023

Crime Against Humanity

”Israeli authorities must be held accountable for committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, Amnesty International said today in a damning new report.”

October 2023, Amnesty International.

Highlighting Civilian Suffering

”Civilian deaths in Gaza continue to rise at a staggering rate amid relentless Israeli bombardment, in response to the horrific attacks in Israel by Hamas and other armed groups that resulted in 1,400 people killed and the abduction of civilians.”

October 2023 Amnesty International

Escalation of Violence

”The current escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza is unprecedented. The conflict has already killed thousands of people, exacerbated humanitarian suffering in Gaza and had devastating consequences for civilians.”

October 15, 2023Amnesty International


B’Tselem is an Israeli human rights organization whose stated goals are to document human rights violations in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.

This is Apartheid

”Israel’s regime of apartheid and occupation is inextricably bound up in human rights violations. B’Tselem strives to end this regime, as that is the only way forward to a future in which human rights, democracy, liberty and equality are ensured to all people, both Palestinian and Israeli, living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.”

October 2022, B’Tselem

Violating Moral Principles

”There are rules and laws in war. Israel does not deny this, and even purports to be following them. Yet in this war, Israel has removed all restraints, committing war crimes and violating fundamental moral principles. In an attempt to absolve itself of responsibility, Israel says Hamas is responsible for the killing of civilians by using them as human shields and firing from within the civilian population. But the responsibility lies with those who do the killing. The fact that Hamas is committing crimes in no way relieves Israel of its obligations, which it is criminally breaching.”

08 November 2023, B’Tselem

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is an international non-governmental organization headquartered in New York City that conducts research and advocacy on human rights.

War Crimes

”The early warning signs are also clearly visible and include hateful and dehumanizing rhetoric; statements threatening harm to civilians; and serious violations of the laws of war that amount to war crimes.”

November 15th 2023 Farida Deif, In the Israel-Palestine Crisis, Preventing Mass Atrocities is Key

Apartheid and Persecution

Israeli government practices and policies that violate the basic rights of Palestinians and whose purpose is to ensure the domination of Jewish Israelis, and assesses them against the definitions of the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.

April 2021, A Threshold Crossed, Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution

Nelson Mandela

Right of Self-Determination

”We identify with the PLO because just like ourselves they are fighting for the right of self-determination”

1990. ABC News.

Our Freedom is Incomplete

”We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

4th December 1997. Address at International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People

Desmond Tutu

Parallels to South Africa

“I know first-hand that Israel has created an apartheid reality within its borders and through its occupation. The parallels to my own beloved South Africa are painfully stark indeed”

Jun 16, 2014. Presbyterian General Assembly

Blind Eye to Injustice

“Those who turn a blind eye to injustice actually perpetuate injustice. If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”.
(Criticising Israeli policies toward the Palestinians.)

March 10, 2014. The Jerusalem Post

James Baldwin

Divide and rule

”But the state of Israel was not created for the salvation of the Jews; it was created for the salvation of the Western interests. This is what is becoming clear (I must say that it was always clear to me). The Palestinians have been paying for the British colonial policy of ‘divide and rule’ and for Europe’s guilty Christian conscience for more than thirty years.”

September 29, 1979. Open Letter to the Born Again

Stop the Palestinian Genocide — Stop the Palestinian Genocide