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Stop the Palestinian Genocide — Stop the Palestinian Genocide

Palestinian Voices

Dr Hammam Alloh

Dr Hammam Alloh, former doctor at Al Shifa Hospital before he was killed by Israeli forces.

We are not animals

“If I go who would treat my patients? We are not animals, we have the right to receive proper health care. You think I went to medical school and for my postgraduate degrees for a total of 14 years so I think only about my life and not my patients?”

October 31st 2023, Democracy Now Interview

Reverend Munther Isaac

This is annihilation

Reverend Isaac is the Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem.

”Gaza, as we know it, no longer exists. This is an annihilation. This is genocide…If you fail to call this a genocide its on you, it is a sin a and darkness you willingly embrace”

Sunday 25th December 2023. Christmas Sermon, YouTube

Edward Said

Edward Said was a Christian Palestinian American scholar.

Zionists will never let Arabs be equal

”[The] Zionists took it upon themselves as a partially ‘Eastern’ people who had emancipated themselves from the worst Eastern excesses, to explain the Oriental Arabs to the West, to assume responsibility for expressing what the Arabs were really like and about, never to let the Arabs appear equally with them as existing in Palestine. This method allowed Zionism always to seem both involved in and superior to the native realities of Middle Eastern existence.”

Said. 1980: 26

Omar Suleiman

Imam Omar Suleiman is an American Muslim scholar and public speaker

Forever Traumatized

”Thousands of children are dead. Thousands of children are under the rubble. Thousands of children are missing limbs. Thousands of children are missing parents. Thousands of children are fighting disease. Thousands of children are having surgeries performed on them without anesthesia. Thousands of children have been starved. Thousands of children have been bombed out of their homes. Every single child in Gaza has been forever traumatized. All of the above are war crimes. We can keep letting human rights organizations count them. Or we can finally hold them accountable.”

Dec 18th 2023, Twitter

Yasser Arafat

Yasser Arafat was a Palestinian political leader. He was Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from 1969 to 2004.

Zionism is united with anti-Semitism

”Zionist theology was utilized against our Palestinian people: the purpose was not only the establishment of Western-style settler colonialism but also the severing of Jews from their various homelands and subsequently their estrangement from their nations. Zionism is an ideology that is imperialist, colonialist, racist; it is profoundly reactionary and discriminatory; it is united with anti-Semitism in its retrograde tenets and is, when all is said and done, another side of the same base coin. For when what is proposed is that adherents of the Jewish faith, regardless of their national residence, should neither owe allegiance to their national residence nor live on equal footing with its other, non-Jewish citizens — when that is proposed we hear anti-Semitism being proposed. When it is proposed that the only solution for the Jewish problem is that Jews must alienate themselves from communities or nations of which they have been a historical part, when it is proposed that Jews solve the Jewish problem by immigrating to and forcibly settling the land of another people — when this occurs, exactly the same position is being advocated as the one urged by anti-Semites against Jews.”

13 November 1974, UN General Assembly Speech

Noura Erakat

Noura Erakat is a Palestinian American legal scholar, and human rights attorney. She is currently an associate professor at Rutgers University,

Racism & Colonialism

”If a single Jewish-Israeli child were pulled out from beneath a pile of rubble of what used to be her home & obliterated the rest of her family, not a single Western gov’t would not condemn it or try to blame “both sides”. Racism & colonialism explain this. They expect us to die.”

16th May 2021, Twitter

Stop the Palestinian Genocide — Stop the Palestinian Genocide